The Dental Trauma Guide will be a paid-for-service as of February 1, 2017
Since its start in 2008, the Dental Trauma Guide has provided its services free of charge thanks to numerous grants. These are no longer available, and it is thus necessary
هذا القسم الجديد ليس تقليديا. الموظفون الرئيسيون هم من الإسكندنافيين، وهو متوفر حصريًا في إنجلترا للسماح بالتدفق الجديد السريع والمناسب.
Receive news about updates and alterations to the Dental Trauma Guide, the annual Copenhagen Symposia, new research from the Dental Trauma Guide team and much more
Since its start in 2008, the Dental Trauma Guide has provided its services free of charge thanks to numerous grants. These are no longer available, and it is thus necessary
The New Dental Trauma Guide will feature an improved website with a user-friendly design. The design ensures even faster diagnosis and treatment planning plus individual prognosis for a given case.